quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

an arrow through the heart.

“Is this how you see your own heart?” she asked. Her friend answered, with tears in her eyes “yes, yes it is.” She replied: “why?”

“Because every single day I feel dead on the inside. It’s like an arrow through my heart…”

She always thought she was incapable of loving. Something or someone. Her bestest friend have already been gone, far away. And so, she lost herself when he came along. She never thought she could feel that way. Not like that. Not anymore. But he made her smile, and said that she was beautiful. Their friendship, the most amazing thing on earth. Until she fell in love with him. She could never explain why. It was impossible. But she somehow knew, and her love grew.

She wanted to deny it. It was worthless. All her friends told her “open your eyes; girl you are in love.” But she didn’t believe in anyone… except in her own heart. So she told him. He ran out of words. Never said anything. Never would. And never will.

Her heart broke instantly. She couldn’t take it. Not knowing, not feeling! How was it possible?

So, one night, as she laid there alone in the dark, the tears were so many, and falling so fast that ended up turning to blood, as she faded…

…With an arrow through her heart.

Já amaste? É horrível, não? Ficas tão vulnerável. O amor abre o teu peito e abre o teu coração e isso significa que qualquer um pode entrar em ti e confundir tudo. Ergues todas as tuas defesas. Constróis essa armadura inteira, durante anos, para que nada te possa pôr mal. Então uma pessoa idiota, igualzinha a qualquer outro idiota, entra na tua vida. Dás a essa pessoa um pedaço teu, mesmo sem ela ter pedido. Um dia, ela faz alguma coisa estúpida como beijar-te ou sorrir e de repente a tua vida não te pertence mais. O amor faz reféns. Ele entra em ti. Devora tudo o que é teu e deixa-te a chorar na escuridão. E então uma simples frase como 'talvez devessemos ser apenas amigos' transforma-se em estilhaços que rasgam o teu coração. Isso dói. Não só na tua imaginação ou na tua mente. É uma dor na alma, uma dor no corpo, é uma verdadeira dor que entra em ti e te destroça por dentro. Nada deveria ser assim, principalmente o amor.

Neil Gaiman